Mike Barnato

#ThriveNotDive – using Management & Marketing, Martial Arts Principles & Mindset & Behaviour

Posts Tagged ‘time management

How to save a third of your time & energy: #RobbieBurns

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I posted my three favourite quotes from Robbie Burns.

But after an excellent Burns night, I wondered if he was an early expert in time management?

He died young, at only 37.

He had a lot of energy!

But got so much done, as well as having 11 children by 5 women.

I believe that you can save up to a third of your time through more effective time and energy management.

So here are some links to my earlier posts on time and energy management.

Email exhaustion & MessagingMania

Mucking up meetings -14 things NOT to do & #PracticeProperly

Using peak energy


Avoiding initiative overload and #Simplifying


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Source of image@ trafficlive.com

Nutrition, exercise, energy & time (NEET) by Tony the Trainer

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Here is a guest post.Tony (info@getbodyfit.co.uk) is a leading fitness trainer.


Recent figures suggests Britain is the fattest nation in Europe.

Now there’s talk of the NHS paying for more weight loss operations.

According to a Cancer Research poll, some people in the UK drink 4,000 calories alone in the run up to Christmas.

I am writing this as we approach Christmas and a New Year.

It’s a time when people often put on weight.

But whilst it can be a great time for food, family and fun, I don’t think it should be an excuse to put on weight.

After all, lots of turkey or other lean meat and plenty of vegetables are good, not bad, for you.

It’s all the extra snacks and particularly the booze that have the “empty” calories.

It’s all about choice really.

We live a much more sedentary life style now.

I was reminded of this when I revisited Georgia.

Exercise is important, but you can’t exercise your way out of an awful diet.

You need exercise and nutrition, working together.

And talking about nutrition, it’s not just the total calories, but the quality of those calories and how much is protein, carbs and fat.

“Fit not thin” is a good mantra and that’s about getting the right exercise and the right nutrition.

I find that many of my clients struggle to find the time to train. This is partly about time management and making use of peak energy.

Harriet Green, a businesswoman in the news recently, was famed for her early morning workouts.

I’m planning to set up a 5am club in the New Year. The idea is, working with a time management expert, to provide real motivation, effective exercises and positive energy.

Are you a self aware #leader? Two #MartialArtsPrinciples to help.

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At your peak or draining away?

self awareness Lao Tzu.jpg




Are you self aware?

Self awareness is, in my view, one of the four most common challenges facing leaders.

There’s the famous quote from Robbie Burns.

Here are two #MartialArtsPrinciples relating to self awareness


1. #PlayToYourStrengths – be aware of your energy levels

Leaders need to be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses.

And to take action accordingly.

Many are not.

Here’s one example, relating to energy levels.

Are you aware of your energy levels?

And how they vary over time?

It matters a lot.

It’s an important element of time management and personal effectiveness.

For some people, their peak energy is in the morning – I call them larks.

For others, it is later in the day – I call them owls.

There’s now a lot of research on this, called Chronotyping.

I spoke with an experienced Chair recently on this subject.

He knew that he was a morning person.

So he aimed to do his thinking and writing work early in the day.

And to do his people and meetings work afterwards.

He described this as “a.m. for IQ work and p.m. for EQ work.”

Watch out for ego

There is also a close link between self awareness and ego.


Humility helps with hubris.


2. #PracticeProperly

In the spirit of self awareness also, remember to practice and to test things out.

Even the greatest speaker should do at least one real rehearsal.

I have also received a comment from a leader in the armed forces.

Apparently, self awareness is now a major part of leadership training in the Military in the UK and psychometric testing is used to support this activity in a number of programmes.


Picture by Fits Ahlefeldt-Lauvig

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